Build a Spice Rack for 60 Spices
Do you also struggle to keep your spices drawer/shelf organized? Just build sa simple and stylish spice rack storing 60 or more spices efficiently without taking too much space.
What you need:
- a plywood board (60x120cm) not thicker than 1cm
- a wooden beam (4x6x210cm)
- screws (35 and 25 in length)
- 60 cylindrical jam pots with a TO66 twist and lid
- sand paper (120 and 180 granularity)# TOOLS:
- a holesaw (64mm diameter)
- a combi driller
What to do:
(1) Drill the holes evenly distributed on the plywood board. I used a distance of 85mm between each hole of diameter 64mm.
(2) Cut the beam in 2 even pieces to be placed on the long (back)side of the board. Mount them to the board with the slim side (4cm).
(3) Sand the whole board and make sure the circle edges are smooth.
(4) Mount the whole construction to the wall. Use a hook or flat-bar steel as a connector.
(5) Protect the surface with some furniture oil
The result